I am looking a way that can give the ability to schedule jobs on PostgreSQL, for example to schedule execution of some procedures or statements based on interval or on specific schedule.

I tried already the pg_agent but this is a service running in local pc and which enables a schema in PostgreSQL. As a result this cannot be used for remote instances or managed instances.

I am looking a way that they can be triggered from the database context and not from another runtime.

Any ideas?

  • I recommend pg_timetable. Commented Nov 25, 2022 at 6:57
  • Thanks, Is there any native extension coming with the installation of the Postgres? Commented Nov 25, 2022 at 8:11
  • No, there isn't, otherwise we would have told you. Commented Nov 25, 2022 at 8:16

2 Answers 2


Any job scheduler can satisfy your needs. Either way a client will trigger an SQL statement. If you insist that PostgreSQL should be the service that triggers the statement then you can use pg_cron extension.

  • Thanks, Is there any native extension coming with the installation of the Postgres? Commented Nov 25, 2022 at 8:11

I was checking where I could find a PostgreSQL coming with these extensions out-of-the box. Found that:

  1. Azure for Postgres Single server has limited extension lists and does not contain something which can act as a scheduler.
  2. Azure for Postgres Flexible server has more available extensions and does contain something which can act as a scheduler the pg_cron mentioned in previous answers.
  3. Local installation of Postgres can be installed using the StackBuilder Application from EDB where can install also the pgAgent, but this is a service which is going to run on the host machine.

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