We have exhausted our disk capacity because of thousands of pg_wal files. pg_wal archiving is not working because of wrong configuration. Since the space is too low, we cannot start archiving on that disk anymore either.
Below is the log-
archive command failed with exit code 1 The failed archive command was: scp pg_wal/000000010000000000000001 host_name:walarchives/000000010000000000000001 ssh: connect to host host_name port 22: No route to host lost connection
Now, how can we delete all those pg_wal files to claim as much space as possible?
[root@HOST_NAME pg_wal]# ls -altr | wc -l
[root@HOST_NAME pg_wal]#
[root@HOST_NAME data]# du -sh * | sort -h | tail -n 1
366G pg_wal
[root@HOST_NAME data]#