Cycles in graphs lead to infinite loops in CTEs.

Dealing with them in Postgres is straightforward.

Since 8.0 MySQL also allows for CTEs. How I can detect cycles and infinite loops in MySQL CTEs?

The goal is not to interrupt the query after 1000 or whatever number of iterations, but to actually handle it in the code (for instance by collecting in an array the list of visited nodes and having an inequality condition to avoid loops).

Or are there any "in-built" options to deal with this, like cycle COLNAME in Postgres CTEs?

My current code looks something like this

with recursive circle as (                                                               
select friend2, name2, 0 as depth from my_view1 where friend1 = 1
select m.friend2, m.name2, c.depth+1 from my_view1 m
inner join circle c on c.friend2 = m.friend1)
select * from circle where circle.depth < 2;

The underlying tables can be created with:

create table people (person_id integer primary key, name varchar(20) not null);

insert into people (person_id, name) values (1, 'tom'), (2, 'dick'), (3, 'harry'), (4, 'susan'), (5, 'mary'), (6, 'jill');

create table friends (friend1 integer references people (person_id), friend2 integer references people (person_id), primary key (friend1, friend2));

insert into friends (friend1, friend2) values (1,2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (5, 6);

insert into friends (friend1, friend2) values (2,1), (3,2), (4,3), (6,5);

create view my_view1 as select f.friend1, p.name as name1, f.friend2, p1.name as name2 from friends f join people p on p.person_id = f.friend1 join people p1 on p1.person_id = f.friend2 ;
  • 1
    So I guess you this rules out cte_max_recursion_depth as a system variable, and your more after the CYCLE RESTRICT kind of capabilities that MariaDB-10.5.2+ has. But I think UNION DISTINCT is the MySQL way.
    – danblack
    Commented Nov 30, 2022 at 7:41
  • The issue is not with cte_max_recursion_depth - The problem is it gives an error Recursive query aborted after 11 iterations. Try increasing @@cte_max_recursion_depth to a larger value. This will never work because cycles lead to infinite loops.
    – ahron
    Commented Nov 30, 2022 at 8:13
  • 1
    @danblack But I think UNION DISTINCT is the MySQL way. This cannot help when CTE contains the value which is level-dependent. For example, when some column collects full path from the root. In this case we can use extensive way - collect rows id list and check that current id value is not present in it.
    – Akina
    Commented Nov 30, 2022 at 8:14
  • UNION DISTINCT will not work in situations where you have something like a friends circle, A is friends with B and B is friends with A.
    – ahron
    Commented Nov 30, 2022 at 8:15
  • 1
    situations where you have something like a friends circle, A is friends with B and B is friends with A. Collect friends list. After 2nd iteration it will contain 'A,B', and the condition WHERE NOT FIND_IN_SET(name, collected_names) will stop cycling.
    – Akina
    Commented Nov 30, 2022 at 8:17

1 Answer 1


In this case UNION DISTINCT in CTE is enough for to prevent cycle:

create table people (
  person_id integer primary key,
  name varchar(20) not null
insert into people (person_id, name) values 
  (1, 'tom'), 
  (2, 'dick'),
  (3, 'harry'), 
  (4, 'susan'),
  (5, 'mary'),
  (6, 'jill');
TABLE people;
create table friends (
  friend1 integer,
  FOREIGN KEY (friend1) references people (person_id),
  friend2 integer,
  FOREIGN KEY (friend2) references people (person_id),
  primary key (friend1, friend2)
insert into friends (friend1, friend2) values
  (2, 3),
  (3, 4),
  (5, 6),
  (2, 1), 
  (3, 2),
  (4, 3),
  (6, 5);
TABLE friends;
person_id name
1 tom
2 dick
3 harry
4 susan
5 mary
6 jill
friend1 friend2
2 1
1 2
3 2
2 3
4 3
3 4
6 5
5 6
cte AS (
  SELECT friend1, friend2
  FROM friends
--  WHERE friend1 = 1
  SELECT cte.friend1, friends.friend2
  FROM cte
  JOIN friends ON cte.friend2 = friends.friend1
FROM cte
JOIN people t1 ON t1.person_id = cte.friend1
JOIN people t2 ON t2.person_id = cte.friend2
WHERE cte.friend1 <> cte.friend2
person_id name person_id name
1 tom 2 dick
1 tom 3 harry
1 tom 4 susan
2 dick 1 tom
2 dick 3 harry
2 dick 4 susan
3 harry 1 tom
3 harry 2 dick
3 harry 4 susan
4 susan 1 tom
4 susan 2 dick
4 susan 3 harry
5 mary 6 jill
6 jill 5 mary


if you need the friendship data for definite user or for a list of users then edit/uncomment the condition in base query of the CTE.

If you need to use this query as a view then add CREATE VIEW collect_friends AS at the beginning.

  • Thanks! Could you please show instead how to use FIND_IN_SET as you had mentioned in your comment to the question.
    – ahron
    Commented Nov 30, 2022 at 11:17
  • @dakini dbfiddle.uk/OAC1BWlX
    – Akina
    Commented Nov 30, 2022 at 11:49
  • Okay! Thank you so much! It is a very "involved" approach with concat_ws.
    – ahron
    Commented Nov 30, 2022 at 12:50
  • 1
    @dakini CONCAT_WS acts similarly CONCAT. But it if NULL-safe - it simply ignores NULLs whereas CONCAT returns NULL if at least one operand is NULL.
    – Akina
    Commented Nov 30, 2022 at 12:54

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