A materialized view(MV) log can be used to allow a MV to do a fast refresh which only modifies the data that has changed. However, various conditions prevent the MV from using the log and therefore require a complete refresh. Oracle implemented an atomic complete refresh as a delete and insert of every record. It does this even if there are ultimately no changes to the data.

Is there a way to make this replication intelligent with regard to redo generation? A MERGE followed by a DELETE requires querying the source twice. Would it be worth it to bulk collect the data to do a BULK MERGE and DELETE? Is there a better way?


I explored using a global temporary table as a staging area. Although they use less than half the redo, they still use to much.

  • Can you post the gtt code? gtt's don't generate redo directly, but they do generate undo - and undo generates redo. insert ops generate much less undo than delete or update ops (almost none in fact). Having multiple gtts to avoid any expensive ops might be a good approach Commented Jun 14, 2011 at 8:05
  • @Jack Douglas psoug.org/reference/gtt.html has a GTT Redo Generation Demo showing a 60% reduction in redo between a physical table and a GTT for inserts. This closely matches the results I am seeing and is better but not as good as I would like. Commented Jun 14, 2011 at 13:30
  • Those tests (row-by-row and no append hint) are not ideal conditions for reducing redo - I've run some tests to show what I mean. Posted as an answer because they won't fit in a comment Commented Jun 14, 2011 at 20:34

2 Answers 2


This is just intended to demonstrate redo usage of various insert operations rather than answer the whole question. Results on my 10g instance are not 100% deterministic, but the broad picture remained the same each time I ran through.

For the heap tables, I do not know why the insert /*+ append */ generated more redo.


create table heap_noappend(id integer, dummy char(500));
create table heap_append(id integer, dummy char(500));
create global temporary table gtt_noappend(id integer, dummy char(500));
create global temporary table gtt_append(id integer, dummy char(500));
create global temporary table gtt_results(stage integer, val integer);


insert into gtt_results(stage, val)
select 0, value from v$statname join v$sesstat using(statistic#)
where sid=sys_context('userenv','sid') and name='redo size';

insert into heap_noappend(id, dummy)
select level, 'A' from dual connect by level<1000;

insert into gtt_results(stage, val)
select 1, value from v$statname join v$sesstat using(statistic#)
where sid=sys_context('userenv','sid') and name='redo size';

insert /*+ append */ into heap_append(id, dummy)
select level, 'A' from dual connect by level<1000;

insert into gtt_results(stage, val)
select 2, value from v$statname join v$sesstat using(statistic#)
where sid=sys_context('userenv','sid') and name='redo size';

insert into gtt_noappend(id, dummy)
select level, 'A' from dual connect by level<1000;

insert into gtt_results(stage, val)
select 3, value from v$statname join v$sesstat using(statistic#)
where sid=sys_context('userenv','sid') and name='redo size';

insert /*+ append */ into gtt_append(id, dummy)
select level, 'A' from dual connect by level<1000;

insert into gtt_results(stage, val)
select 4, value from v$statname join v$sesstat using(statistic#)
where sid=sys_context('userenv','sid') and name='redo size';


select * 
from( select decode(stage,1,'heap noappend',
                          2,'heap append',
                          3,'gtt noappend',
                          4,'gtt append') as operation, 
             val-lag(val) over(order by stage) as redo 
      from gtt_results)
where redo is not null;

OPERATION     REDO                   
------------- ---------------------- 
heap noappend 606932                 
heap append   690768                 
gtt noappend  41488                  
gtt append    256                   
  • You are correct of course. I should have caught that in their tests. I'll give it a try. Commented Jun 16, 2011 at 11:49

Good question. I "solved" this problem for my situation a while back by making the MV's and any indexes on them NOLOGGING. There was no point to it my situation - I was doing a full refresh of the view anyway, why would I need redo?

  • 1
    You may need ATOMIC_REFRESH=false too (on 10g and above). Not sure what the implications are for any standby database or recovery with archive logs? Commented Jun 12, 2011 at 12:01
  • I run a logical and a physical standby on the database I did this with. No issues there. I did run into an issue with making DB copies - have to look at my notes but there was an error I would sometimes get about performing recovery on a tablespace with nologging tables. I've read recommendations to create a tablespace reserved for tables/indexes that are nonlogging to avoid such issues. I did figure out how to solve it though.
    – DCookie
    Commented Jun 13, 2011 at 2:13
  • @Jack, I believe I did have to use non atomic refresh.
    – DCookie
    Commented Jun 13, 2011 at 2:14
  • Hmmm, if I use a standard materialized view, it needs to do an atomic refresh, so this won't work for me. Someone else may find it useful, so it is still a good answer. Commented Jun 13, 2011 at 13:49
  • Why does it need an atomic refresh? As I understand it, setting that to false only affects a FULL refresh. See this asktom post: asktom.oracle.com/pls/apex/…
    – DCookie
    Commented Jun 13, 2011 at 15:39

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