This is just intended to demonstrate redo usage of various insert
operations rather than answer the whole question. Results on my 10g instance are not 100% deterministic, but the broad picture remained the same each time I ran through.
For the heap tables, I do not know why the insert /*+ append */
generated more redo.
create table heap_noappend(id integer, dummy char(500));
create table heap_append(id integer, dummy char(500));
create global temporary table gtt_noappend(id integer, dummy char(500));
create global temporary table gtt_append(id integer, dummy char(500));
create global temporary table gtt_results(stage integer, val integer);
insert into gtt_results(stage, val)
select 0, value from v$statname join v$sesstat using(statistic#)
where sid=sys_context('userenv','sid') and name='redo size';
insert into heap_noappend(id, dummy)
select level, 'A' from dual connect by level<1000;
insert into gtt_results(stage, val)
select 1, value from v$statname join v$sesstat using(statistic#)
where sid=sys_context('userenv','sid') and name='redo size';
insert /*+ append */ into heap_append(id, dummy)
select level, 'A' from dual connect by level<1000;
insert into gtt_results(stage, val)
select 2, value from v$statname join v$sesstat using(statistic#)
where sid=sys_context('userenv','sid') and name='redo size';
insert into gtt_noappend(id, dummy)
select level, 'A' from dual connect by level<1000;
insert into gtt_results(stage, val)
select 3, value from v$statname join v$sesstat using(statistic#)
where sid=sys_context('userenv','sid') and name='redo size';
insert /*+ append */ into gtt_append(id, dummy)
select level, 'A' from dual connect by level<1000;
insert into gtt_results(stage, val)
select 4, value from v$statname join v$sesstat using(statistic#)
where sid=sys_context('userenv','sid') and name='redo size';
select *
from( select decode(stage,1,'heap noappend',
2,'heap append',
3,'gtt noappend',
4,'gtt append') as operation,
val-lag(val) over(order by stage) as redo
from gtt_results)
where redo is not null;
------------- ----------------------
heap noappend 606932
heap append 690768
gtt noappend 41488
gtt append 256
ops generate much less undo thandelete
ops (almost none in fact). Having multiple gtts to avoid any expensive ops might be a good approachinsert
s. This closely matches the results I am seeing and is better but not as good as I would like.append
hint) are not ideal conditions for reducing redo - I've run some tests to show what I mean. Posted as an answer because they won't fit in a comment