I have two queries that are mostly the same bar a where expression. They are UNION ALL'd together for a complete result set. There is no grouping, nor ordering, nor distinct in the queries. However, directly prior to the final concatenation/select operator and after any joins sit two distinct sorts. I'm a bit confused by these distinct sorts given the aforementioned info.

Can anyone provide insight into why this operator is in this plan?

FWIW, I have rewritten this query, just trying to fill in knowledge gaps/correct misunderstandings.




1 Answer 1


The query is written as two similar UNION ALL branches - with one of them being as follows.

SELECT EventKey,
       cast(ms.AdmitDateTime AS DATE) AS StagingAdmitDate,
FROM   #Events AS e
       JOIN CM.Staging AS ms
         ON ms.UniqueCaseIdentifier = e.UniqueCaseIdentifier
            AND ms.HospitalID = e.HospitalID
              FROM   #UpdatedStagingRecords AS i
              WHERE  ms.StagingKey = i.StagingKey)
       AND e.DischargeDateTime IS NULL 

The execution plan for that branch is more along the following lines (*).

                cast(ms.AdmitDateTime AS DATE) AS StagingAdmitDate,
FROM   #UpdatedStagingRecords AS i
       INNER JOIN CM.Staging AS ms
               ON ms.StagingKey = i.StagingKey
       INNER JOIN #Events e
               ON ms.UniqueCaseIdentifier = e.UniqueCaseIdentifier
                  AND ms.HospitalID = e.HospitalID
                  AND e.DischargeDateTime IS NULL 

Instead of driving the query by doing the join on #Events (741 rows) and CM.Staging (120907 rows) and then doing a semi join to see if there was a match in #UpdatedStagingRecords it drives the query from #UpdatedStagingRecords itself (2 rows) and does two index seeks in CM.Staging.

The join cannot just simply be changed to an inner join and left like that because duplicate rows for a StagingKey in #UpdatedStagingRecords could lead to duplicate rows in the result that would not be there with the original exists syntax.

So these are removed by the DISTINCT-ification step.

The same applies to the other branch of the UNION too but it is so similar I haven't addressed that specifically.

(*) - The actual duplicate removal by the DISTINCT is not something that can be easily expressed by representing with SQL syntax. It is not actually doing a DISTINCT based on the projected column values. It is doing it based on Bmknnnn column which maps to the physical row identifier from the #Events table.

  • Ah, yes, the exists! I did not consider that; makes perfect sense now that you've written that out without the exists for me, thanks.
    – scarr030
    Commented Apr 27, 2023 at 19:08
  • @scarr030 - actually the DISTINCT is a bit different than I stated. It is using Bmk1000 to identify the duplicate rows (RID of #Events) rather than the actual column list - but for the same reasons Commented Apr 27, 2023 at 19:09

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