Not a complete database noob, but I've done a ton of research on this and I still can't figure this out. I've got a PostgreSQL database tied to a CMS. It currently has 470 columns in one of the table (long story), and I'm trying to figure out how close we are to maxing things out.
If I run
SELECT SUM(pg_column_size(table_name.*))/COUNT(*) FROM tablename;
I get back
If I run
SELECT l.metric, AS bytes
, CASE WHEN is_size THEN pg_size_pretty(nr) END AS bytes_pretty
, CASE WHEN is_size THEN nr / NULLIF(x.ct, 0) END AS bytes_per_row
SELECT min(tableoid) AS tbl -- = 'public.tbl'::regclass::oid
, count(*) AS ct
, sum(length(t::text)) AS txt_len -- length in characters
FROM table_name t -- provide table name *once*
) x
(true , 'core_relation_size' , pg_relation_size(tbl))
, (true , 'visibility_map' , pg_relation_size(tbl, 'vm'))
, (true , 'free_space_map' , pg_relation_size(tbl, 'fsm'))
, (true , 'table_size_incl_toast' , pg_table_size(tbl))
, (true , 'indexes_size' , pg_indexes_size(tbl))
, (true , 'total_size_incl_toast_and_indexes', pg_total_relation_size(tbl))
, (true , 'live_rows_in_text_representation' , txt_len)
, (false, '------------------------------' , NULL)
, (false, 'row_count' , ct)
, (false, 'live_tuples' , pg_stat_get_live_tuples(tbl))
, (false, 'dead_tuples' , pg_stat_get_dead_tuples(tbl))
) l(is_size, metric, nr);
Can anyone help make sense of this, or give me some other things to check?