I am using the WITH RECURSIVE query to generate a hierarchy of users. The data and the query used is shared in https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/oTbCcMQb5a4B6V96DAYJHG/0 . The query is returning the results correctly, but the order of the data is different from what i need.

I have tweaked the query a few times, but unable to achieve the required result.
Actual Result of the query

| id  | title  | parent_id  | sort_order |
|  1  | null   | null       |          0 |
|  2  | A      | 1          |          1 |
|  3  | B      | 1          |          2 |
|  4  | AA     | 2          |          1 |
|  5  | AB     | 2          |          2 |
| 13  | BA     | 3          |          1 |
| 17  | BC     | 3          |          2 |
|  6  | AAA    | 4          |          1 |
|  7  | AAB    | 4          |          2 |
|  8  | AAC    | 4          |          3 |
|  9  | ABA    | 5          |          1 |
| 10  | ABB    | 5          |          2 |
| 11  | ABC    | 5          |          3 |
| 12  | ABD    | 5          |          4 |
| 16  | BAA    | 13         |          1 |

Result I am trying to achieve

| id  | title  | parent_id  | sort_order |
|  1  | null   | null       |          0 |
|  2  | A      | 1          |          1 |
|  4  | AA     | 2          |          1 |
|  6  | AAA    | 4          |          1 |
|  7  | AAB    | 4          |          2 |
|  8  | AAC    | 4          |          3 |
|  5  | AB     | 2          |          2 |
|  9  | ABA    | 5          |          1 |
| 10  | ABB    | 5          |          2 |
| 11  | ABC    | 5          |          3 |
| 12  | ABD    | 5          |          4 |
|  3  | B      | 1          |          2 |
| 13  | BA     | 3          |          1 |
| 16  | BAA    | 13         |          1 |
| 17  | BC     | 3          |          2 |

In my query the WITH RECURSIVE will take all nodes of level 1, then it will take all level2 and continues..

But the result I am trying to achieve is take first node of first level, complete the hierarchy, the take second element of the first level and recurse through rest.

Is is possible to get this result using WITH RECURSIVE

The data in the title is sample data, so that it is easy to understand the hierarchy.

  • 2
    It works fine here if I added order by title asc Commented Jun 2, 2023 at 9:52
  • @ErgestBasha the name is just a dummy values. The real values are different. Commented Jun 2, 2023 at 9:58
  • but the order of the data is different from what i need If you need in definite rows ordering then you must use according ORDER BY in outer query. Recursive CTE returns output rows ordered by the order in which they were selected and placed into the output buffer.
    – Akina
    Commented Jun 2, 2023 at 9:59
  • The real values are different This means that your simplified model provided as your data is not adequate. Add another sample data. See Tips for asking a good Structured Query Language (SQL) question, #5 and #3.
    – Akina
    Commented Jun 2, 2023 at 10:02
  • @Akina What I meant was a ordering by title will not produce the expected result. I have added more info on the question, may be that will avoid the confusions. Commented Jun 2, 2023 at 10:40


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