This is my first time doing the diagram. My teacher isn't the best at helping out or responding to questions so I've come here to ask for further assistance. I think I've mostly got it correct, but there are a few things I'm still stuck on and don't think are accurate.
This is what the assignment asks of us:
"Create a database schema design based on the following (simplified) requirements of the COMPANY Database:
The company is organized into DEPARTMENTs. Each department has a name, number and an employee who manages the department. We keep track of the start date of the department manager. A department may have several locations.
Each department controls a number of PROJECTs. Each project has a unique name, unique number and is located at a single location.
We store each EMPLOYEE’s social security number, address, salary, gender, and birthdate. Each employee works for one department but may work on several projects. We keep track of the number of hours per week that an employee currently works on each project. We also keep track of the direct supervisor of each employee.
Each employee may have a number of DEPENDENTs. For each dependent, we keep track of their name, gender, birth date, and relationship to the employee.
Each entity should contain a name, attributes, PK/FK, and Datatypes. Remember, every time you encounter a many-to-many relationship, you need to add a bridge table."
My issues come with how locations and the manager/supervisor part are supposed to be put into the graph. I'm not so sure if they should be put as bridge tables.
Thanks guys.