I hva two tables as is:

  • Table univers:
client commercial
Axel Tony
Mike Jhon
Chris Jhon
  • Table transactions
frclient toclient commission
Axel NA 10
Mike NA 8
NA Mike 15
Axel NA 4
NA Chris 5
Chris NA 5

Now, I would like to be able to have the total commissions generated by Jhon and Tony's clients, a bit like:

commercials commissions
Jhon 33
Tony 14

The only element that links the univers table and the transactions table are the customer IDs, namely their names, nothing else.

How can I proceed please? THANKS.

1 Answer 1

SELECT t1.commercial, SUM(t2.commission) commissions
FROM univers t1
JOIN transactions t2 ON t1.client IN (t2.frclient, t2.toclient)

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