I am getting the following rows when I perform this query:

FROM statetable 
where "machineName" ='Main01'
ORDER BY statetable_ndx DESC LIMIT 100
machineName state stateDuratio t_stamp
Main01 3 12002 2023-06-29 21:21:04.152
Main01 5 360169 2023-06-29 21:20:58.144
Main01 3 3002 2023-06-29 21:20:34.013
Main01 5 45024 2023-06-29 21:20:18.983
Main01 4 18007 2023-06-29 21:20:12.972

... and so on...

Now my question is, I am trying to query to get the highest 3 top values from the stateDuration column. So far this is what I have tried, and it's now sorting by the highest 3 sorted out by StateDuration..

SELECT "State",
Max("StateDuration") as "StateDuration"
FROM statetable  
where "machineName" ='Main01' 
Group by "State", "StateName"
ORDER BY "StateDuration" DESC
LIMIT 100;

However, the problem for me is when I try to also filter by a time frame:

when I try to add a timeframe line (like this line in the following query: AND t_stamp >= '2023-08-10 16:30:00' AND t_stamp <= '2023-08-14 00:30:00') I don't get any result and I don't understand why. Does someone has any clue for me?

SELECT "State","StateName", 
Max("StateDuration") as "StateDuration"
FROM statetable 
where "machineName" ='Main01'
AND t_stamp >= '2023-08-10 16:30:00' AND t_stamp <= '2023-08-14 00:30:00'
Group by "State", "StateName"
ORDER BY "StateDuration" DESC
LIMIT 100;
  • 1
    There is no StateName column in your data example. I am trying to query to get the highest 3 top values from the stateDuration column it seems in your example that you are trying top 3 StateDuration per "State","StateName" and yet you are using limit 100. What datatype is the t_stamp column, do you really have records between the interval '2023-08-10 16:30:00' AND '2023-08-14 00:30:00' ? See Tips for asking a good Structured Query Language #5 , #3 and update the question Commented Aug 21, 2023 at 7:16
  • The StateName column is not in my data example but that's another column in my table with extra info I need. I wish to only sort the StateDuration column though. The datatype aI am using for the t_stamp column is "timestamp without timezone" and I have data for the range timeframe I am trying to query.
    – Lalo Quera
    Commented Aug 21, 2023 at 21:57
  • Please disregard. You're right I did not have data for that timeframe. I did not notice the server was querying on the wrong table. This was such a dumb question. :/ My bad.
    – Lalo Quera
    Commented Aug 21, 2023 at 22:36


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