I'm a DB student, and I executed the following query to learn a couple things at the same time (LEFT/RIGHT JOIN, UNION, WHERE + RegEx). What's troubling me is the order of execution. I have two tables, as such:
create table practicaleft(
id smallint primary key,
nombre varchar,
cumple date
create table practicaright(
id smallint primary key,
apellido varchar,
cumpleanios date
Then, I insert some random data:
(1, 'John', CURRENT_DATE - 1),
(5, 'Alice', CURRENT_DATE - 5),
(3, 'Bob', CURRENT_DATE - 3),
(7, 'Eva', CURRENT_DATE - 7);
INSERT INTO practicaright VALUES
(5, 'Doe', CURRENT_DATE - 5),
(6, 'Smith', CURRENT_DATE - 6),
(3, 'Johnson', CURRENT_DATE - 3),
(4, 'Brown', CURRENT_DATE - 4);
Afterwards, I execute this query:
select id, nombre
from practicaleft
where nombre similar to 'A%'
select pr.id, pr.apellido
from practicaright pr
where pr.id = 4 or pr.apellido ilike '_o%'
union all
select id, apellido
from practicaright
where cumpleanios > current_date - 5;
The results? Here you go:
4 "Brown"
5 "Alice"
5 "Doe"
3 "Johnson"
3 "Johnson"
4 "Brown"
TL;DR: this query is divided in three parts, and results are merged with the operator UNION ALL.
Now comes the question. One might believe this is executed instruction by instruction, and so, the order should be:
5 "Alice"
5 "Doe"
3 "Johnson"
4 "Brown"
3 "Johnson"
4 "Brown"
But that isn't happening. The only way to fix that is if I add some random string as a field, like so:
select id, nombre, 'part1' as query_part
from practicaleft
where nombre similar to 'A%'
select pr.id, pr.apellido, 'part2' as query_part
from practicaright pr
where pr.id = 4 or pr.apellido ilike '_o%'
union all
select id, apellido, 'part3' as query_part
from practicaright
where cumpleanios > current_date - 25;
What is happening? Did I skip over some truly important SQL mechanic?