postalCode PK
postalCode city
1234 abcd
5678 lmnop
8900 xy123
addressId PK
postalCode (associated with the postalCodeCity.postalCode)
addressId postalCode
1 5678
2 1234
3 5678
I am unsure of whether to scrab the PostCodeAndCity table and include
the City data in the address table, however this was suggested by my
study materials.
Having a postalCodeCity table ensures that a city and postal code are related consistently.
Another thing to note is that orders are typically modeled as orders and order lines - that is two entities. A customer is associated with an order. An order has info like order id (or number) and this identifies an order uniquely, order date and customer (who had placed the order). And, an order has multiple lines. Each order line has order line id, order id, product id and order quantity. This is a general concept of customers and orders.