There is DB with unknown amount of corrupted unique indexes. Currently I discover them one by one when I try REINDEX DATABASE CONCURRENTLY <db_name>, handle the specific duplication violation (manipulating data, mainly delete the duplications using scripts), reindex the specific table or index, and continue to the next index (again only right after I discover it using REINDEX DATABASE CONCURRENTLY).

Not mentioning that each time I get indexes with the '_ccnew' suffix, that AFAIK are indexes that were tried to be created by a previous reindex concurrently but couldn’t be done, usually because they are violating a uniqueness check. The failed attempts to reindex concurrently will sit in there and should be dropped manually.

Concurrent reindex is used in order to prevent a shutdown.

I want to reduce those "roundtrips" of searching the next violation and wonder if there is a more efficient way to get a general data about the status of all the index corruptions or unique violations that a Postgres DB has.

1 Answer 1


You can use the amcheck extension to check a B-tree index for corruption. For other index types, there is no alternative to rebuilding the index.

You can run the following to check an index for corruption:

SELECT bt_index_check('indexname'::regclass);

That can be automatized to run against all the indexes in your database:

   indid oid;
   msg text;
   FOR indid IN
      SELECT i.oid
      FROM pg_class AS i
         JOIN pg_am ON pg_am.oid = i.relam
      WHERE pg_am.amname = 'btree'
        AND i.relkind = 'i'
         PERFORM bt_index_check(indid);
      EXCEPTION WHEN index_corrupted THEN
         RAISE WARNING 'Index "%" is currupted: %', indid::regclass, msg;

bt_index_check() has an optional second parameter; if you supply TRUE, the check will take much longer, but verify that all table rows are indexed.

Note that bt_index_check() does not cover all kinds of index corruption. There is also bt_index_parent_check(), which tests more thoroughly, but requires a SHARE lock that prevents concurrent data modification.

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