I'm trying to pull the most current date (cusPurDt) and corresponding amount (subAmt) by customer (cusID/subID). Here is some sample data:
create table customer (
cusID char(5),
cusPurDt varchar(10),
cusCat char(1),
cusSer varchar(10) );
insert into customer (
cusID, cusPurDt, cusCat,cusSer)
values ('10606','2/1/2023','3','602AAA7AD7'),
create table vendor (
subID char(5),
subAmt char(10),
subSer varchar(10) );
insert into vendor (
subID, subAmt, subSer)
values ('10606','00100','602AAA7AD7'),
The desired result should look like this:
cusID | cusPurDt | subAmt |
10606 | 2/1/2024 | 00057 |
11065 | 1/1/2024 | 00063 |
11543 | 9/1/2023 | 00099 |
11572 | 7/1/2023 | 00028 |
11804 | 11/1/2023 | 00397 |
Here is as far as I got with a working query:
select c.cusID
from customer c
inner join vendor v on v.subID = c.cusID
and c.cusSer = v.subSer
where c.cusCat in ('1','2','3','4','7','8')
and c.cusPurDt between curdate() - 365 and curdate()
group by c.cusID
I know using max (or min) on v.subAmt gives the wrong value. I'm assuming there is a way to pull it in a subquery, but am not learned enough to figure that out.
It is a third party application and database so I'm a little limited in what I can do (ex: throws error when using distinct: scalar function not found). They have told me that it is running on SQL server.
Hope this makes sense. Thanks in advance.
Edit: when trying to figure this out in dbfiddle, found that curdate() is a MySQL function, so maybe the powers that be gave me bad info.