How do I fix this query in Oracle?

SELECT t.id, t.code, t.text
FROM our_table t
    SELECT 1 
    FROM our_table root
    WHERE root.id = t.root_id
    AND root.code IN ('1', '2')
order by group, t.sortcode;

Some rows are root rows — their root_id values are null. Some rows are "subrows" whose root_ids reference some other row's id in the same table

Let me clarify what I mean by group (it's not defined in the query)

A row is, for example, in group 1 if

  • it's a root row and its code is 1 OR
  • it's a subrow but the root row it references in the root_id column has code of 1

I need

  1. Only subrows from group 1 or 2
  2. The ordering should be based first based on "group", then on the rows' sortcodes (another column, not related to code)


CREATE TABLE our_table
    id NUMBER,
    code VARCHAR2(2 CHAR),
    text VARCHAR2(20 CHAR),
    root_id NUMBER,
    sortcode NUMBER(5,0)

Given the following data:

INSERT INTO our_table (id, code, text, root_id, sortcode)
   (1, '1', 'textA', NULL, 2),
   (2, '2', 'textB', 4, 1),
   (3, '5', 'textC', 1, 3),
   (4, '2', 'textD', NULL, 2),
   (5, '3', 'textE', NULL, 2),
   (6, '4', 'textF', 5, 2),
   (7, '1', 'textG', 1, 2);

I expect the following output. Subrows from group 1 (ordered by sortcode), then the only subrow from group 2. The subrow from group 3 is not included. Codes of subrows don't matter

Id Text Sortcode
7 textG 2
3 textC 3
2 textB 1

The task is weird, but it's what it is. I realize that dependencies between rows in the same table are a bad smell

  • 2
    Please add some data example and expected result Commented Jul 4 at 15:54
  • @ErgestBasha please see the edit
    – demavi
    Commented Jul 5 at 6:21

1 Answer 1


This seems to do it. It's more straightforward than I thought

SELECT t.id, t.text, t.sortcode
FROM our_table t
JOIN our_table root ON t.root_id = root.id
WHERE root.code IN ('1', '2')
ORDER BY root.code, t.sortcode;

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