
What is the function of the folders rdbms and tnslsnr on Oracle database ( Windows ) ?

The issue with the folders rdbms and tnslsnr is that they are getting larger and larger 40gb+, and therefore exhausting the drive space completely,

Question in more detail

The folders rdbms and tnslsnr are getting large 40gb+, and for me to assess what can be deleted without affecting the DB operation I do require to understand what these two folders do. I.e. their function within the Oracle architecture for Windows.

Further details


For this path, the bulk of the data is stored between:

  • alert = 34.1 gb.
  • trace = 9.43 gb.

Are the files stored on the path OracleDB\diag\rdbms\cl3v1db\cl3v1\alert critical for the DB restore or recovery?

Or are those files unimportant logs? below is a snippet from the mentioned files:

<msg time='2023-07-12T10:55:48.147+02:00' org_id='oracle' comp_id='rdbms'
 type='UNKNOWN' level='16' host_id='HOSTNAME'
 host_addr='hex value' pid='5708'>
 <txt>Number of processor sockets in the system is 1


For the above path the bulk of the data is stored between:

  • alert = 25.4 gb.

  • trace = 13.0 gb.

Are the files stored on the path OracleDB\diag\tnslsnr\hostname\listener\alert critical for the DB recovery or restore?

Or are those files unimportant logs? below is a snippet from the mentioned files:

<msg time='2023-12-21T07:21:03.082+01:00' org_id='oracle' comp_id='tnslsnr'
 type='UNKNOWN' level='16' host_id='hostname'
 host_addr='hex value' pid='5264'>
 <txt>21-DEC-2023 07:21:03 * (CONNECT_DATA=(CID=(PROGRAM=JDBC Thin Client)(HOST=__jdbc__)(USER=SYSTEM))(SERVICE_NAME=CL3v1DB)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= * establish * CL3v1DB * 0

1 Answer 1


None of those files are essential for restore and recovery.

rdbms - logs and traces for the databases

tnslsnr - logs and traces for the listeners

To clean them up manually with adrci:

$ adrci

ADRCI: Release - Production on Tue Aug 6 12:25:01 2024

Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

ADR base = "/u01/app/oracle"

adrci> show homes
ADR Homes:

Select home from above as:

adrci> set home diag/rdbms/cl3v1db/cl3v1/alert

Delete files older than for example 1 week (=10080 minutes):

adrci> purge -age 10080

Example for viewing and modifying automatic deletion policy for database home, example:

adrci> set home diag\rdbms\cl3v1db\cl3v1\alert
adrci> show control
adrci> set control (SHORTP_POLICY = 1440)
adrci> set control (LONGP_POLICY = 10080)

Database alert log (diag\rdbms\cl3v1db\cl3v1\trace\alert_cl3v1.log) is not rotated, it just keeps growing over time, you need to take care of that manually if it grew too large.

Listener logs (.log under diag\tnslsnr\hostname\listener_name\trace) are rotated starting with 19c. If you are on an older version, you need to take care of that manually if it grew too large.

  • Good afternoon @Balazs, does there exist a built-in tool or command syntax within Oracle to admin the clean-up of those logs, or on the contrary, should I have to handle it for instance with a Python or Powershell script? Thanks in advance for the help! Commented Aug 6 at 12:42

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