I'm working with a database of web spidering data and I'm trying to leverage the C# Uri class via CLR to help with traffic analysis.
My first pass was to create a CLR table valued function (that returns only 1 row) and CROSS APPLY to break up the urls into the component parts for review, but I'm finding adding that CROSS APPLY really slows down queries (like doing a query with LIKE over the database can take 5-8 minutes, but CROSS APPLY and looking at the host value takes 45 minutes kind of thing)
I was wondering if it might be faster to implement the Uri interface as a user defined type and work that into my queries instead? I haven't done a lot of user defined types, but I thought knowing there would only ever be 1 response object might lighten some of the overhead in Sql Server. Would a UDT perform better in a query?
My tvf implementation currently looks like this:
[SqlFunction(DataAccess = DataAccessKind.None, IsDeterministic = true, IsPrecise = true, Name = "ufn_UrlParts", SystemDataAccess = SystemDataAccessKind.None, FillRowMethodName = "GetUrlParts")]
public static IEnumerable UrlParts(SqlString input)
if (!input.IsNull && Uri.TryCreate(input.Value, UriKind.Absolute, out Uri url) && url.Valid(false))
yield return url;
yield break;
private static void GetUrlParts(object input, out string scheme, out string userinfo, out string host, out int hostType, out int port, out bool isdefaultPort, out string path, out string query)
Uri u = input as Uri;
scheme = u?.Scheme;
userinfo = u?.UserInfo;
host = u?.Host;
hostType = (int)(u?.HostNameType ?? UriHostNameType.Unknown);
port = u?.Port ?? 0;
isdefaultPort = u?.IsDefaultPort ?? false;
path = u?.AbsolutePath;
query = u?.Query;