Database client-server connectivity can sometimes happen. I mean: there is client side dll that sits on the client computer (device, it can be mobile phone as well). For the Windows OS based clients:
- fbclient.dll, gds32.dll - Firebird
- libpq.dll - Postgresql
- oci.dll - Oracle
(of course, these dll can have dependencies). And the usual scenarios are: the application (it may be fat client of the client-server application) loads DB client library (fbclient.dll, oci.dll, etc.) in its process space and calls dll commands. dll - in turn - establishes connection with the server process (e.g. Firebird server process that runs on 3050 port on the server machine, Postgresql server process that runs no 5432 port on the server machine, Oracle TNS Listener on 1521 port) and keeps this connection open for the duration of the db client-server session.
E.g. user can authenticat and start connection and issue multiple SQL commands over this connection.
I understand that today the client-server DB communication usually hapens in the wired environment exclusively. E.g. either DB server and Web/Application server sit on the same machine or either they are in the different machines that are connected by very fast and reliable wired network.
It was differently in the early days of IT. That was the time when client-server architecture was quite common - client machines had fat clients of the application and they used database dlls on their machine and these dlls communicated with the DB services on the server machine.
Such applications are still in use and maybe there are some other scenarios where client-server DB connectivity can happen even today.
So - all that was background. My question is - can database client-server connectivity be deployed over WiFi networks (or over networks which has WiFi link, e.g. employee laptop can connect to the WiFi Access Point then then this access point has wired connection the database server - this can be pretty common setting both in the work office and home office situations) or is it common DBA understanding that no client-server connectivity can involve WiFi link.
My collegues adheres to the quite strict rules that there can be no deployment of our solutions which involve client-server DB connectivity over WiFi. I have seen, that such deploymen is possible though. I can not believe that such constraint can really be in force? Are WiFi networs really so unreliable although they are quite popular?