I am setting up transactional replication on my 2008R2 server to 2012 distribution server to 2012 Subscriber server. All the three servers are on FULL recovery mode. Log backup is taken every 15 minutes and full backup is taken daily everyday on all the three server databases used in replication. We want to use the subscriber as a reporting server. Publisher is our main OLTP database.
But the Subscriber SSMS is 2012 SSMS and Publisher SSMS is 2008r2, so replication is throwing error: "The Selected Subscriber does not satisfy the minimum version compatibility level of the selected publisher"
So, I am thinking to use my Distributor machine (2012 server with 2012 SSMS) to remote into my publisher (2008R2 server) and then setup replication of the publisher from there. Should it work fine? Or, will it cause any issues.
Or, should I better be installing 2012 SSMS on my publisher server and then setup replication from there?
Please help
I had insatalled 2012SSMS on test server publisher and it was working very well. But dont want to get into licensing for 2 SSMSs
Would I then be able to rollback (remove/delete) replication easily incase there is an issue if I use a different server (not the actual publisher server) to setup replication?