Found this beautiful query online (cannot remember who to thank for it) and tried to modify it so that backup_finish_date with no value wold not output as NULL, but have not been able to figure it out. The query does exactly what I'd like to do (and learn to do on my own) with the only exception of the NULL output. I'd also like to format it into dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm
SELECT name ,
recovery_model_desc as 'Recovery Model' ,
state_desc as 'State',
d AS 'Last Full Backup' ,
i AS 'Last Differential Backup' ,
l AS 'Last log Backup'
db.state_desc ,
db.recovery_model_desc ,
type ,
FROM master.sys.databases db
LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset a ON a.database_name =
) AS Sourcetable
( MAX(backup_finish_date) FOR type IN ( D, I, L ) ) AS MostRecentBackup
WHERE (name NOT IN ('master','msdb','model','tempdb'))