I was looking at some `worktable' from the query below by my friend Martin

SELECT st.session_id
 case transaction_type   
      when 1 then 'Read/Write'   
      when 2 then 'Read-Only'    
      when 3 then 'System'   
      when 4 then 'Distributed'  
      else 'Unknown - ' + convert(varchar(20), transaction_type)     
 end as tranType,    
 case transaction_state 
      when 0 then 'Uninitialized' 
      when 1 then 'Not Yet Started' 
      when 2 then 'Active' 
      when 3 then 'Ended (Read-Only)' 
      when 4 then 'Committing' 
      when 5 then 'Prepared' 
      when 6 then 'Committed' 
      when 7 then 'Rolling Back' 
      when 8 then 'Rolled Back' 
      else 'Unknown - ' + convert(varchar(20), transaction_state) 
 end as tranState, 
 case dtc_state 
      when 0 then NULL 
      when 1 then 'Active' 
      when 2 then 'Prepared' 
      when 3 then 'Committed' 
      when 4 then 'Aborted' 
      when 5 then 'Recovered' 
      else 'Unknown - ' + convert(varchar(20), dtc_state) 
 end as dtcState
FROM    sys.dm_tran_active_transactions at
  left JOIN sys.dm_tran_session_transactions st ON st.transaction_id = at.transaction_id
ORDER BY at.transaction_begin_time

enter image description here

one thing that called my attention is the fact that these transactions don't have a corresponding session?

how can I find out where they are coming from?

There is no session associated with them.

  • Are you troubleshooting something else that depends on that info, like some performance issue? I ask because it might give a clue if you're chasing a red herring.
    – Ronaldo
    Commented Nov 28 at 10:33

1 Answer 1


My guess is that they belong to internal sessions used by SQL Server engine. I have an instance on my desktop, which I just started in order to check that, and after executing that same query the result looks pretty much like yours:

Query output


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