Someday ago I'd experimented with different postgres builds. I was changing build configuration parameters to see the impact on queries execution times. My memory can fail me, but I think I did a script that "permuted" many postgres build options from Building and Installation with Autoconf and Make. With the various builds I did run tests that I thought would showcase a change. Schemas were synthetic and some kind of reminiscence of what I had worked on those days. One thing that did not show any difference for my test was BLCKSZ
Anyone know real life examples of BLCKSZ
doing improvement?
More specifically, database size, schemas, queries. Anything that I can reproduce, at least
to Y - it doesn't appear to be an issue - this is the only time I've seen it proposed, but Craig Ringer - a big hitter in the PostgreSQL sphere - proposed a different solution - and partitioning has come a long way since version 12! Plus, the fact that Erwin Brandstetter has never done it says a lot to me (hint, check his rep. here and on SO).