I have a database Microsoft SQL Server 2008 r2. A user called marie is defined, who can access tables on the main database; this works well. Now, I would like marie to be able to perform this query:
SELECT resource_type,spid,login_time,status,hostname,program_name,nt_domain,nt_username,loginame
FROM sys.dm_tran_locks dl
JOIN sys.sysprocesses sp on dl.request_session_id = sp.spid
The tables involved are master tables; how do I give permission to marie to read from them? I already tried to execute the following as dbo:
GRANT ALL on sys.dm_tran_locks TO marie
GRANT ALL on sys.sysprocesses TO marie
Still, when marie tries to perform the query above, the error is:
Msg 297, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The user does not have permission to perform this action.
What am I doing wrong?
, etc.sysprocesses
is a backward compatibility view and will be removed from the product at some point.