My MDW database's performance_counter_instances table has run out of identity values.
Has anyone ever encountered this?
Is it safe to change the data type of the identity field performance_counter_id from INT to BIGINT without breaking anything?
Bonus Question - What is the impact of this field running out of identity values?
I can't find anything useful about this issue online.
I have converted the data type to BIGINT using this script and now all of the collection_set_2_upload jobs are failing with the following error message:
LKU - Lookup into performance_counter_instances to obtain performance_counter_id for all counter paths that get inserted.Outputs[Lookup Match Output].Columns[performance_counter_id] and reference column named "performance_counter_id" have incompatible data types.
Please let me know if this is something that can be fixed or if I will have to just eventually recreate the MDW database again. This happens about once every 6 months in my environment. For now I've reseeded the identity to -2147483647 to buy some time.
DBCC CHECKIDENT ('snapshots.performance_counter_instances', RESEED, -2147483647)