I have a big table that stores video rental data with the following columns:
id, title, language, duration, owner, remarks, closing_date_for_loan
Assuming every day there are thousands of data inserts to this table, then within a year, I could have a million rows of data. The search on the data record involves range query on several columns and will always contain a WHERE closing_date_for_loan > NOW()
To maintain this table, I could perform a query to transfer data with closing_date_for_loan < NOW()
out of this big table periodically so that the table won't get too big causing excessive query times. I am looking for a more automated way of handling such data growth similar to how a log rotation works. Any ideas?
Additional Note:
I have tested a few composite index and the query time can range from a few seconds to 50s if the row gets to 5 million. Range queries can be hard to optimize, so I am looking for other ways like keeping the table to a manageable size.
? You could write a script that creates millions of records that look similar to your real data, and then do a performance test on your queries to see how bad the problem really is.