We have 2 database environments a "Production" Database and a "Reporting" Database located on different physical windows server 2003 boxes. The reporting Db is derived off the Production database and contains some modified tables schema's and additional "Pre Cooked" Data tables which would be too costly to otherwise process on the fly.
What I had originally created was a database script (MS SQL) on our Reporting Server to grab the Live Production database at 1AM and restore it in our Reporting environment by running all the scripts to get it up and going such as the tables restores, and modification of the data. The problem with this approach is that I quickly began to realize a) how long this approach takes (there is no option of putting a 'modifieddate' on any production records) and b) how a junior DB developer (me) should probably not dive into this stuff yet because he's more of a programmer :).
Would it be part of the 'best practice methodology' to create a windows service which basically runs the restore at 1AM and sends the email if the process failed? I'm not sure if writing a c# component is going to allow me the level of granularity that MS SQL Scripts allow. So by using a programming language to accomplish this task - is this nuts and should this all be done in the database?
How would you recommend I run the syncing of the two environments?
Let me know what you think!