If you want to size the innodb_buffer_pool_size bigger please run this:
SELECT CEILING(SUM(data_length+index_length)/POWER(1024,2)) RIBPS
FROM information_schema.tables WHERE engine='InnoDB';
This will give you the maximum amount of InnoDB Buffer Pool needed for your current data set.
Given the amount of data and index pages for your dataset, having 8MB Buffer Pool will just cause data and index pages accessed to rotate out and load new pages as needed. Setting it with the value based on that RIBPS query (RIBPS stands for Recommended InnoDB Buffer Pool Size), all of InnoDB will be accessed from RAM. Having the Buffer Pool too big would just wastes RAM.
Let's say that you ran this query and got the following:
mysql> SELECT CEILING(SUM(data_length+index_length)/POWER(1024,2)) RIBPS
-> FROM information_schema.tables WHERE engine='InnoDB';
| 1493 |
Take that number and place it in /etc/my.cnf
and restart mysql.
I have discussed this before
Give it a Try !!!