I am shredding an xml blob that is being passed to me and loading a temp table for further processing. One of the things I noticed while working through the process is that performing an INSERT INTO
is taking like 20 minutes while doing a SELECT INTO
is taking seconds. The DB statistics are up to date and we are running daily maintenance plans so not sure what is going on. I know that SELECT INTO
bypasses the logs which would make it faster, but I as not assuming that the INSERT INTO
would be so much worse.
EDIT: Based on comments adding some more details
Why would the INSERT INTO be taking so much longer than the SELECT INTO
for a temp table.
Query example below. I am shredding XML and inserting into a temp Table I have both the INSERT INTO
commented out. The INSERT INTO
for just 100 records is showing 382,000+ logical reads while the SELECT INTO
is showing none.
;with cteScen AS (
SELECT DENSE_RANK() OVER ( ORDER BY scenario_node ) AS scenario ,
RANK() OVER ( PARTITION BY scenario_node ORDER BY scen_val ) AS level_order ,
'varchar(100)') AS 'scen_value' ,
'int') AS 'dist'
FROM @scenarioXML.nodes('/scenarios/scenario')
AS scenario ( scenario_node )
CROSS APPLY scenario.scenario_node.nodes('./values/value')
AS x ( scen_val ))
--INSERT INTO #tmpTbl(Scenario, Level_Order, Scenario_Value, Distribution_ID)
Select top 100 *
--INTO #tmpTbl
From cteScen
Any thoughts?