From what I can find the version store will only clean up versions that are older than the oldest active transaction. Question: Is the oldest transaction database specific or will SQL Server keep all versions, regardless of the database, if there is an older transaction still active, period?
Backstory - SQL Server 2005 SP4 Enterprise hosting around 40 databases. TempDB is currently 102 GB, version store is around 98 GB. One of the applications hosted on the database instance has an open transaction that is 40 days old based on Two separate large databases had extremely heavy use over the last month and we saw consistent TempDB growth coinciding with these operations. We expected some growth. We did not expect it to keep growing. Question: Are the versions stored in TempDB's version store from these two separate databases still there because a third independent database has a connection that is 40 days old and shows an open transaction_state?
Perfmon counters: Version store is continually growing in the few hours I have tracked it this morning. Version Generation Rate AVG is around 30 kb/s, Version Cleanup rate is 0 kb/s.
Plenty of space left for TempDB, there are around 300 GB of total data files for all user databases, TempDB has grown on average 350 MB per day for each of its 8 data files since the last restart. This behavior is abnormal and investigation revealed the large version store
Answers to comment questions so as not to have a long running comment section:
Q: Why auto-growth on tempdb? A: TempDB is set to initialize at a size we have found to be appropriate for most of the time. We allow auto-growth in order to handle abnormal database activity. We monitor auto-growth as well.
Q: How do you know the transaction is active and not just an active connection? A: transaction_state says active in sys.dm_tran_active_snapshot_database_transactions and other stuff. Activity Monitor says each connection has 1 open transaction.
Q: Why is your app so stupid? A: Its third party. One of many on this instance. I do not know if the behavior is abnormal, or easily fixed.
The open transaction(s) where preventing any version store cleanup, so Jon was right, version store cleanup is done independent of databases. Closing the offending transactions allowed version store cleanup to commence. Current theory behind why is from Jon Seigel
The version store can only clear versions based on the oldest active transaction within the entire instance, to support the use of transaction-level snapshot isolation across multiple databases simultaneously.
If anyone knows for certain or can prove this please do
Referenced question: find-transactions-that-are-filling-up-the-version-store
Referenced documents:
TempDB 2005 WP
Teratrax tuning tempDB
Idera Demystify Tempdb
value for the active transaction?