If you need to do this with minimal downtime and have 100% confidence that you have consistent slave here are step by step direction how to rebuild the slave using Linux LVM.
Set innodb max dirty pages percent to zero on the master. This will force MySQL to write all the pages to the disk which will significantly speed up the restart.
set global innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct = 0;
To monitor the number of dirty pages run the command
mysqladmin ext -i10 | grep dirty
Once the number stop decreasing you have reach the point to continue. Next reset the master to clear the old bin logs / relay logs:
Rebuilding the slave using LVM
Execute lvdisplay to get LV Path
Output will look like this
--- Logical volume ---
LV Path /dev/vg_mysql/lv_data
LV Name lv_data
VG Name vg_mysql
Shutdown the master database with command
service mysql stop
Next take a snaphot, mysql_snapshot will be the new logical volume name.
lvcreate --size 10G --snapshot --name mysql_snapshot /dev/vg_mysql/lv_data
Start master again with command
service mysql start
Restore dirty pages setting to the default
set global innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct = 75;
Run lvdisplay again to make sure the snapshot is there and visible
--- Logical volume ---
LV Path /dev/vg_mysql/mysql_snapshot
LV Name mysql_snapshot
VG Name vg_mysql
Mount the snapshot
mkdir /mnt/mysql_snapshot
mount /dev/vg_mysql/mysql_snapshot /mnt/mysql_snapshot
If you have an existing MySQL slave running you need to stop it
service mysql stop
Next you need to clear MySQL data folder
cd /var/lib/mysql
rm -fr *
Back to master. Now rsync the snapshot to the MySQL slave
rsync --progress -harz /mnt/mysql_snapshot/ targethostname:/var/lib/mysql/
Once rsync has completed you may unmount and remove the snapshot
umount /mnt/mysql_snapshot
lvremove -f /dev/vg_mysql/mysql_snapshot
Create replication user on the master if the old replication user doesn't exist or password is unknown
GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE on *.* to 'replication'@'[SLAVE IP]' identified by 'YourPass';
Verify that /var/lib/mysql data files are owned by the mysql user, if so you can omit the following command:
chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql
Next record the binlog position
ls -laF | grep mysql-bin
You will see something like
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 1073750329 Aug 28 03:33 mysql-bin.000017
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 1073741932 Aug 28 08:32 mysql-bin.000018
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 963333441 Aug 28 15:37 mysql-bin.000019
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 65657162 Aug 28 16:44 mysql-bin.000020
Here the master log file is the highest file number in sequence and bin log position is the file size.
Record these values:
Next start the slave MySQL
service mysql start
Execute change master command on the slave by executing the following:
Finally start the slave
Check slave status:
Make sure Slave IO is running and there are no connection errors. Good luck!
My blog has some additional info on this subject but the core story is the same!