Can anybody shed some light on how these SQL products compare? No need for essays, only highlights such as "X supports this, while Y doesn't".

  • How is efficiency affected as the database grows larger
    • Inserts
    • Updates
    • Selects
  • What kind of transactions are supported
  • What support is there for multiprocessing
    • Access from concurrent processes
    • Access from concurrent threads
  • Data access is in-process or via server process
  • Key feature of either product that is worth mentioning

Also, any (positive or negative) experiences from people who have used both products (don't want opinions - just observations).

The reason I'm asking is that it's hard to penetrate the marketing fluff surrounding Microsoft's embedded SQL product.

Thank you.

  • 1
    Please be more specific about your particular requirements - this is a very broad question as it stands Commented Aug 17, 2011 at 8:24
  • The last bullet is somewhat broad, but I want to capture people's experiences with the products. What is marketed is not always reality... Commented Aug 17, 2011 at 9:04

1 Answer 1


Based on your question "What support is there for multiprocessing":

  • SQL Server CE and SQLLite are single-user DBs that work in your app and deployed as DLLs
  • SQL Server (Express and above) (and MySQL, Oracle, Postgres et) are server engines where you submit a request

Either you have proper multiprocessing or you don't: not much grey area in between. The rest of your questions don't matter because of this.

An as example, SQLLite locks tables locking so you don't have much concurrency even if it nominally supports multiple processes

Edit, about SQL Server CE from SO

It looks like SQL Server Express is recommended for multi process access

  • I know SQLite responds with a generic "it's locked" response, if a second process wants to access the data concurrently. Would SQLCE do the same, or is it possible to have the calling process be put in a wait state? Commented Aug 17, 2011 at 10:06
  • @Jörgen Sigvardsson: added more
    – gbn
    Commented Aug 17, 2011 at 10:11

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