I'm trying to import data into an inventory type database. Here's what I have for the tables (truncated for brevity):

create type hostrole as enum ('Physical', 'Virtual', 'Hypervisor', 'Other');

create table host (
  id serial primary key,
  hostname varchar(40),
  role hostrole

create table interface (
  id serial primary key,
  name varchar(20),
  host int references host(id) on delete cascade,
  mac macaddr

I know I can nest a select into an insert statement, my question is whether I can nest an insert into an insert (and if so, how to do so). Here's the statement I'm trying to run:

insert into interface 
   (insert into host (hostname, hostrole) values ('foobar', 'Virtual') returning id)

The error comes up at the "into" of the nested insert. Can I do this in one shot, or do I have to make separate queries to do this insert?

2 Answers 2


You should be able to do something like this with a writable CTE:

   INSERT INTO host (hostname, hostrole) VALUES ('foobar', 'Virtual') RETURNING id
INSERT INTO interface (name, mac, host)
SELECT 'eth0', '00:50:56:9d:34:d4', id

(untested, but it should be something like that)

Writable CTE is in PostgreSQL 9.1 and up.

  • Drat. I wish I could use 9.1 or later. I'm kinda stuck with 8.4.
    – John
    Commented Aug 16, 2013 at 14:50
  • 1
    On 8.4 there is no way to do it, sorry. But if you're on 8.4, there are other reasons to start looking at an upgrade - postgresql.org/support/versioning - you've got less than a years "lifetime" left in that version. Commented Aug 16, 2013 at 14:52
  • Yeah, I'm already looking at upgrading the OS entirely. I'm stuck at 8.4 because I'm stuck at RHEL 5, trying to start moving to RHEL 7 in early 2014.
    – John
    Commented Aug 16, 2013 at 15:14
  • While I realize there can be policies, RHEL5 does i no way limit you to 8.4. See postgresql.org/download/linux/redhat in the section about yum. Commented Aug 16, 2013 at 17:06
  • 2
    No reason to use 9.1 also, as 9.2 is newer, better and stable... BTW, if you can't use repositories, install it by source code, it is really easy...
    – MatheusOl
    Commented Aug 20, 2013 at 11:34

In 8.4 you could do this by wrapping the inner inserts in a function. Something like:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insert_host(in_hostname text, in_hostrole text)
   INSERT INTO host (hostname, hostrole) VALUES ($1, $2);
   SELECT id FROM host WHERE hostname = $1;

Then you can still do something like:

insert into interface 
(name, mac, host) 
('eth0', '00:50:56:9d:34:d4', insert_host('foobar', 'Virtual'));

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