I have some databases created using Entity Framework Code First; the apps are working and in general I'm pretty happy with what Code First lets me do. I am a programmer first, and a DBA second, by necessity. I am reading about DataAttributes to further describe in C# what I want the database to do; and my question is: what penalty will I be eating by having these nvarchar(max)
strings in my table (see example below)?
There are several columns in this particular table; in C# they are defined as such:
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Message { get; set; }
public string Source { get; set; }
public DateTime Generated { get; set; }
public DateTime Written { get; set; }
I expect to query and/or sort based on Name, Source, Generated, and Written. I expect Name and Source to be in the 0-50 character length, occasionally up to 150. I expect this table to start pretty small (<100k rows), but grow significantly over time (>1m rows). Obviously message could be small or large, and will probably not be queried against.
What I want to know, is there a performance hit for my Name and Source columns being defined as nvarchar(max)
when I never expect them to be larger than 150 characters?
attributes. Some additional possible negative factors of too wide columns are mentioned in @PaulWhite's answer here