Note: I am a developer...
I have an Asset table that has many codes that are foreign keys into a second table OutlineFiles. The OutlineFiles table has Type and Code as the primary key. The foreign key constraint need to look like this...
ALTER TABLE "dbo"."Assets"
ADD CONSTRAINT "Locations" FOREIGN KEY ( "LN", "LocationCode" ASC )
REFERENCES "dbo"."OutlineFiles" ( "Type", "Code" );
ALTER TABLE "dbo"."Assets"
ADD CONSTRAINT "CostCentre" FOREIGN KEY ( "CC", "CostCentreCode" ASC )
REFERENCES "dbo"."OutlineFiles" ( "Type", "Code" );
So there will be a relationship to the outlines table via a fixed value of "LN" and "CC". Or will it be easier to change the database to have two table and remove the Type column on the OutlineFiles table? I am attempting this in Sybase BUT we support many databases.