Okay, so here's the problem. I have an application I need to install and run locally for testing and debugging. The application has been designed to run on a domain and as such expects to log into the database using domain credentials.
I can't modify the section of code that handles the logins without a serious amount of work which I don't have time for this week, nor do I have any ability to add the machine hosting the database to the domain (contractors machines aren't allowed to be added to the domain under the I.T. policy).
So I'm in a bit of a bind. I cannot use the CREATE LOGIN [DOMAIN\User] From Windows
routine as I get the following error:
Windows NT user or group 'DOMAIN\User' not found. Check the name again.
I can't just insert into the relevant security tables: sys.server_principals table, sys.SysLogins etc. because
Ad hoc updates to system catalogs are not allowed.
Is there any way I can back door my local SQL Server installation to accept these user credentials from the application without being attached to the domain?
Of course adding the machine to the domain and logging in as a domain user would resolve this issue in a couple of minutes, but political issues prevent that from happening.
requires that the login can be found and verified from Windows. If your SQL Server isn't on the domain, what is the point of adding a domain user?