I am writing a powershell script to capture the following SQL server counters:

SQL Server: Memory Manager: Total Server Memory (KB)

SQL Server: Memory Manager: Target Server Memory (KB)

My machine has 3 instances of SQL servers, so I want this script to capture all counters dynamically and report the value for 1 sample only. i tried writing the following:

Get-counter -List *SQL*Memory* | Select paths, counter | format-list # doesn't display full list

Get-counter -List *SQL*Memory* | Select paths, counter | where {_.counter -like "*server memory*"} |format-list # displays nothing

eventually I want to run this across multiple servers with -computername parameter and hence I want it to capture dynamically.

Can anyone please help me in finding what is missing? Following is the exact script that I am running:

Function checkTransactionsPerSecond([string] $Hostname )
    (Get-Counter -ListSet "*Databases").Counter | Where {$_ -like "*\Transactions/sec"} #this returns nothing
#   $listofmetrics = (Get-Counter -ListSet "*Databases").Counter | Where {$_ -like "*\Transactions/sec"}
#   $listofmetrics | Get-Counter


foreach ($Hostname in Get-Content "D:\TEMP\machines.txt")
    Write-Host $Hostname

thanks in advance

2 Answers 2


Aaron Bertrand wrote a good post on it that is pretty detailed...How I use PowerShell to collect Performance Counter data.

Then Laerte Junior has an excelent walk through on how he finds the counters he wants in a Simple-Talk article: Gathering Perfmon Data with Powershell. This might be where you want to start. It has some cmdlets that he uses to capture the counters for a particular instance I believe.

See if this is what you need:

$listofmetrics = (Get-Counter -ListSet "*Databases" -ComputerName $hostname).Counter | Where {$_ -like "*\Transactions/sec"}
$listofmetrics | Get-Counter
  • thanks for this... But the main problem I am having is adding additional filters to the counters e.g. If I run the following: $listOfMetrices=(Get-Counter -ListSet "*Databases" -ComputerName $Hostname | where {$_.paths -like "*\transactions/sec"} ) $listOfMetrices | get-counter It shows me all counters under database category...but what I really want to see is transactions/sec for each database. Please help
    – Manjot
    Commented Aug 31, 2011 at 1:01
  • adjusted answer.
    – user507
    Commented Aug 31, 2011 at 15:44
  • Thanks Shawn, I tried using the code you updated. but, it is not able to find any counters now. (Get-Counter -ListSet "*Databases").Counter | Where {$_ -like "*\Transactions/sec"} doesn't find any counter. thanks for your time
    – Manjot
    Commented Aug 31, 2011 at 23:31
  • really? What version of SQL Server are you working with? I only tried this on a Window Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2008 R2.
    – user507
    Commented Sep 1, 2011 at 3:43
  • 1
    I also just tried on my Window Server 2003, SQL 2005 and it returns a single counter of: \SQLServer:Databases(*)\Transactions/sec
    – user507
    Commented Sep 1, 2011 at 3:44

Check this out:

$listofmetrics = Get-Counter -ListSet "*Databases" | Get-Counter -MaxSamples 1 | Select -ExpandProperty CounterSamples | Where {$_.path -like "\Transactions/sec"} | Select Path, CookedValue

This will output a list of databases and their associated \Transactions/sec. I'm getting errors on my side at the beginning of the search but I assume it's a permissions issue. Otherwise it works like a beauty. You could use Regex to clean it up if you like :)

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