I've got a bunch of ids from table messages
and I want to update the table activities
. This is how I imagined my query would work (so you get better idea what I'm trying to accomplish):
update activities
set activities.created_at = messages.created_at,
set activities.updated_at = messages.updated_at
from messages
where messages.id in (1,2,3)
activities.trackable_id in (1,2,3)
In activities
, the trackable_id
is foreign key to the messages
table. So I need to set the right created_at
and updated_at
time in activities table for some messages.
So basically the activity
table is the copy of messages
table but only in another format.
How can I update created_at and updated_at in the activities table for some message ids, but using the data from messages table (data being updated_at and created_at)?