For data integrity ON DELETE CASCADE is necessary but it's really dangerous when a delete affects like a Chain Reaction!

I know one way to prevent this is to make a pseudo delete by putting a "Delete" flag on in all tables where the record is being deleted from. But that's a very old style and clumsy way. How can I optimize this or is there any way to do it from inside database (SQL Code) ?

  • There's that or triggers - inserting the old record into a shadowing table, either on the same or a different server. It's only dangerous if your schema parent-child relationships are poorly designed and there are other dependencies, i.e. triggers setting off other ones ad infinitum.
    – Vérace
    Commented Jun 19, 2014 at 12:37

1 Answer 1


Perhaps you should look into using tombstone tables.

Here is what I mean: Suppose you had this table

    ... other columns ....
    PRIMARY KEY (id),
    ... other indexes ...

Now, create a table with the IDs that are marked for deletion

CREATE TABLE mytable_deleted
    id INT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

So instead of doing

DELETE FROM mytable WHERE MOD(id,100) = 0;

You would add the ids to mytable_deleted

INSERT IGNORE INTO mytable_deleted
SELECT id FROM mytable WHERE MOD(id,100) = 0;

From here, you simply have to add the mytable_delete to all queries

To see all rows

SELECT * FROM mytable;

To see non-deleted rows

SELECT * FROM mytable A LEFT JOIN mytable_deleted B USING (id) WHERE B.id IS NULL;

To see deleted rows

SELECT * FROM mytable A LEFT JOIN mytable_deleted B USING (id) WHERE B.id IS NOT NULL;


SELECT * FROM mytable A INNER JOIN mytable_deleted B USING (id);

To perform the actual deletion

DELETE A.* FROM mytable A INNER JOIN mytable_deleted B USING (id);
TRUNCATE TABLE mytable_deleted;


This will means that lots of SELECT queries must incorporate the tombstone table.

I have discussed this before : Tombstone Table vs Deleted Flag in database syncronization & soft-delete scenarios. You should read the accepted answer from Leigh Riffel instead of mine for a more honest critique as to which method is better in your case.

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