I have a large database (16M rows) containing perceptual hashes of images.

I'd like to be able to search for rows by hamming distance in a reasonable timeframe.

Currently, as far as I properly understand the issue, I think the best option here would be a custom SP-GiST implementation that implements a BK-Tree, but that seems like a lot of work, and I'm still fuzzy on the practical details of properly implementing a custom index. Calculating the hamming distance is tractable enough, and I do know C, though.

Basically, what is the appropriate approach here? I need to be able to query for matches within a certain edit-distance of a hash. As I understand it, Levenshtein distance with strings of equal length is functionally hamming distance, so there is at least some existing support for what I want, though no clear way to create an index from it (remember, the value I'm querying for changes. I cannot pre-compute the distance from a fixed value, since that would only be useful for that one value).

The hashes are currently stored as a 64-char string containing the binary ASCII encoding of the hash (e.g. "10010101..."), but I can convert them to int64 easily enough. The real issue is I need to be able to query relatively fast.

It seems like it could be possible to achieve something along the lines of what I want with the pg_trgm, but I'm a bit unclear on how the trigram matching mechamism works (in particular, what does the similarity metric it returns actually represent? It looks kind of like edit-distance).

Insert performance is not critical (it's very computationally expensive to calculate the hashes for each row), so I primarily care about searching.

  • The smlar extension might have what you need: pgcon.org/2012/schedule/attachments/252_smlar-2012.pdf or pg_similarity: pgcon.org/2009/schedule/attachments/108_pg_similarity.pdf Commented Jul 23, 2014 at 17:44
  • @NeilMcGuigan - Interesting! The first presentation there is actually from the people who maintain the SP-GiST and GIST systems in postgres.
    – Fake Name
    Commented Jul 24, 2014 at 7:48
  • The first link is for something fundamentally different, though. they're looking for set intersections, whereas I'm looking for hamming distance. I could finangle the phashes into a set, but it would be extremely messy, and require a lot of support code everywhere else.
    – Fake Name
    Commented Jul 24, 2014 at 8:11
  • FWIW, At this point, I've more or less concluded I need to implement my own indexing system. I'm looking into custom SP-GiST indices at the moment, but I have no idea what I'm doing.
    – Fake Name
    Commented Sep 4, 2014 at 23:04
  • 1
    @FakeName: When you say the hamming distance, I am assuming you mean the hamming distance of the hash values strings, not the images? In other words, you are looking to ask: Find all the hash values which are X bit substitutions away from the input parameter Commented Oct 27, 2014 at 22:43

2 Answers 2



Ok, I've finally taken the time to write a custom PostgreSQL indexing extension. I used the SP-GiST interface.

This was fairly challenging, mostly because Posgres is big.

Anyways, as usual, it's up on github here.

Performance-wise, it's currently ~2-3 times slower then the pure-in-memory implementation in my other answer to this question, but it's so much more convenient to use I'll happily eat that performance hit (realistically, it's ~50 ms/query - 150 ms/query, which is still pretty small).

  • You are awesome! Can you add a README on how to install? I never really installed anything in Postgres :P
    – HypeWolf
    Commented Jul 28, 2019 at 20:01
  • 1
    @HypeWolf - The root of the repo has a README. Does that not cover what you want?
    – Fake Name
    Commented Jul 29, 2019 at 0:01
  • My mistake, I didn't see it, I'm not sure where I was looking :/
    – HypeWolf
    Commented Jul 29, 2019 at 0:39
  • Was looking for the README as well. It's in the root folder. The link is going to some subfolder. That was confusing. Commented Oct 1, 2019 at 20:03

Well, I spent a while looking at writing a custom postgres C extension, and wound up just writting a Cython database wrapper that maintains a BK-tree structure in memory.

Basically, it maintains a in-memory copy of the phash values from the database, and all updates to the database are replayed into the BK-tree.

It's all up on github here. It also has a LOT of unit-tests.

Querying across a dataset of 10 million hash values for items with a distance of 4 results in touching ~0.25%-0.5% of the values in the tree, and takes ~100 ms.

  • BK-Tree in memory with 16 million rows in memory? I was looking at something similar however with 1000 images and 2000 descriptors on each image my in memory size was huge.
    – Stewart
    Commented Aug 31, 2019 at 1:17
  • @Stewart - A lot of this depends on the size of your hash. In my case, the hash value output is a single 64-bit bitfield that I store as a int64. You seem to have a much larger phash data type. I'm also not sure how searches would work on a different datatype like that. Are they still a metric space? How do you calculate distance?
    – Fake Name
    Commented Aug 31, 2019 at 23:01
  • I'm using 32bit descriptors with the FLANN marcher provided with opencv. To calculate distance I use hamming with a threshold based on Lowe's ratio. At this point I'm not sure if its best to try and stick with in memory FLANN which provides a KD-tree structure or to switch to a solution more similar to yours. Why did you end up rolling your own and not going for something like libflann?
    – Stewart
    Commented Sep 1, 2019 at 9:44
  • @Stewart - I didn't roll my own. I'm using super boring DFT-based hashing.
    – Fake Name
    Commented Sep 2, 2019 at 5:38

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