I am using MMS to monitor a 13 node MongoDB Cluster(3 Config Servers, 4 MongoS, 2 replica sets with 2 members + 1 arbiter each). MMS was working properly since its installation, but now it is not monitoring the shards & replica-sets properly.
It is monitoring only 4 nodes(1 Primary 1 Secondary and 2 arbiters) out of 6 nodes and auto-removing the other replica-set(primary + secondary) every time I am adding them manually. Also for the replica-set it is monitoring it is taking the primary secondary and arbiter as independent nodes(even though it is showing correct TYPE for them in the monitoring window).
When I checked Host Mapping it was surprised to see that it was showing the same alias name for both the Primary nodes and same for both the secondaries. I guess this is the reason it is not showing those 2 nodes in the monitoring window.
I manually removed those entries of same alias names from the Host Mapping window but it is auto-updating it after few minutes.
Why is it considering the two different nodes as same and taking the same alias name for them ? Is it a bug ?
MMS is working well for Config-servers and MongoS nodes.
My MMS group is "MMS@Ork"
My Data nodes are as follows:
Server1 -> Primary of Replica-set1 + Secondary of Replica-set2(2 Nodes) Server2 -> Primary of Replica-set2 + Secondary of Replica-set1(2 Nodes) Arbiters of both replica-sets are on separate machines. I have kept one port number common for both the primaries and other port number common for both the secondaries.
Version of all the nodes in the cluster is 2.4.9 and that of MMS monitoring-agent is 2.3.1