I have a postgres 9.1 server running and I do backups with
pg_dumpall -c -f /nfs/backup/fulldump.sql
I'm testing restoring the backup to another server with
psql -f /nfs/backup/fulldump.sql
while running as user postgres
and I get two errors
psql:/nfs/backup/fulldump.sql:27: ERROR: current user cannot be dropped
psql:/nfs/backup/fulldump.sql:36: ERROR: role "postgres" already exists
I understand that these are caused by commands
DROP ROLE postgres;
CREATE ROLE postgres;
in the backup dump.
Is it possible to somehow restore the dump from pg_dumpall -c
without having a single error?
postgres --single
) could be the correct answer. That can be started like described in answer dba.stackexchange.com/a/61784/29183 -- my dump takes around an hour to read in so I have to test it some later time...