I have the below query that returns the number of orders created on a particular customer number per month for the past 2 years.


SELECT TO_CHAR(o.entry_date, 'MM'),
             WHEN EXTRACT(year FROM entry_date) = 2013 THEN 1
             ELSE 0
           END) AS val_2013,
             WHEN EXTRACT(year FROM entry_date) = 2014 THEN 1
             ELSE 0
           END) AS val_2014
FROM   orders o
WHERE  o.customer_no = '0'
       AND EXTRACT(year FROM entry_date) IN ( 2014, 2013 )
GROUP  BY TO_CHAR(o.entry_date, 'MM') 


TO   VAL_2013   VAL_2014
-- ---------- ----------
01        201        205
02        246        235
03        286        243
04        234        206
05        251        161
06        217        187
07        239        210
08        190        204
09        206        224
10        266        175
11        171          0
12        133          0

12 rows selected.


The query above returns the number of orders but I also want the value of these orders in the same format as above.

I have a table order_totals which has order_final_total but there is no customer number column in this table. This is the part that is confusing me. Instead of the SUM of the number of orders, I need the SUM of the order value but I don't understand how to get this for just the orders on a particular customer number.

Expected Results

TO   VAL_2013   VAL_2014
-- ---------- ----------
01     9201.42    3467.67
02     1287.94    7819.25

Do I need to use a sub query, to first get the order numbers?

I've only been using Oracle for around 2 months so any help is appreciated!

50% there query

Ok I've come up with the below query that shows the value of these orders over the past 2 years split in to months but in a single column. I couldn't work out how to split it by year as the above query. Any ideas?

SELECT TO_CHAR(o.entry_date, 'MM'),
FROM   orders o,
       order_totals t
WHERE  o.order_no = t.order_no
       AND o.customer_no = '0'
       AND EXTRACT(year FROM o.entry_date) IN ( 2014, 2013 )
GROUP  BY TO_CHAR(o.entry_date, 'MM')


-- ----------------------
01              222333.09
02              216587.53
03              257628.37
04              245838.47
05               227823.5
06               241722.9
07              270359.57
08              277249.43
09              245064.45
10              227929.83
11               85159.13
12               56982.31

12 rows selected.

@ypercube's answer

I get:

-- ---------------- ----------------
03                0            88.26
05                0             45.2
06             16.1            23.75
07                0            69.37
09                0           116.68

Why do I only get months 03, 05, 06, 07 and 09?

  • 1
    What are the columns of the orders table? Is there a order_value column? It would help if you added the CREATE TABLE orders statement. +1 for the clearly explained question. Commented Oct 17, 2014 at 8:30
  • @ypercube Thanks for the feedback. I just realized (old query) I seem to be counting the number of times that entry date is seen, rather than the number of orders with that entry date. Does it matter? It's the same result. To answer your question, the only thing that links orders and order_totals is orders.order_no and order_totals.order_no. There are no totals in orders. Does that help? Commented Oct 17, 2014 at 8:33
  • Then perhaps you have an order_details table that has that info (the price of an order item)? Commented Oct 17, 2014 at 8:34
  • @ypercube Thanks but that's what I'm stuck on. I can count the number of orders as per the existing query but now I need to count the value (pulling in information from order_totals) and that's what I'm stuck on. Commented Oct 17, 2014 at 8:36
  • Add the CREATE TABLE statements then, of both tables. Do both tables have order_no as primary key? Commented Oct 17, 2014 at 8:46

2 Answers 2


Using PIVOT:

   combined AS (
         EXTRACT(month FROM o.entry_date) AS order_month, 
         EXTRACT(year FROM o.entry_date) AS order_year, 
      FROM orders o
      JOIN order_totals t ON (o.order_no = t.order_no)
FROM combined
   SUM(order_final_tot) AS ord_tot, 
   COUNT(*) AS ord_cnt
   FOR order_year IN (2013, 2014)

If (and only if) order_no is the primary (or a unique) key of order_totals, then you could use a similar CASE expression as in your first query, to get the order values:

       TO_CHAR(o.entry_date, 'MM') AS month,

       -- count orders
             WHEN EXTRACT(year FROM entry_date) = 2013 THEN 1
             ELSE 0
           END) AS val_2013,
             WHEN EXTRACT(year FROM entry_date) = 2014 THEN 1
             ELSE 0
           END) AS val_2014,

       -- order totals
             WHEN EXTRACT(year FROM entry_date) = 2013 THEN t.order_final_tot
             ELSE 0
           END) AS order_total_2013,
             WHEN EXTRACT(year FROM entry_date) = 2014 THEN t.order_final_tot
             ELSE 0
           END) AS order_total_2014
FROM   orders o
  JOIN order_totals t
    ON o.order_no = t.order_no
WHERE  o.customer_no = '0'
  AND  EXTRACT(year FROM o.entry_date) IN ( 2014, 2013 )
GROUP  BY TO_CHAR(o.entry_date, 'MM') ;

Additional points:

  • Instead of:

    WHERE EXTRACT(year FROM o.entry_date) IN ( 2014, 2013 )

    you could use:

    WHERE o.entry_date >= DATE '2013-01-01' 
      AND o.entry_date < DATE '2015-01-01'

    and similarly for the conditions inside the CASE expressions. This might be more efficient, if there are indexes on the date column. For this particular query, it will not make much difference (as one customer will have few rows) but in a query that involves all customers or in general a larger part or the whole table, it will make a difference.

  • Thanks for the answer. The JOIN seems to be causing a problem. ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended just after the JOIN. Commented Oct 17, 2014 at 12:39
  • There was a comma missing, after AS val_2014 Commented Oct 17, 2014 at 12:41
  • I added that missing comma already. Commented Oct 17, 2014 at 12:42
  • What is your Oracle version? Commented Oct 17, 2014 at 12:42
  • 8. Do I have to use WHERE? Commented Oct 17, 2014 at 12:43

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