I have a stored procedure which is retrieving data using 20 tables. Sample of the procedure:
@EnquiryDate DATETIME = NULL
DECLARE @queryExtraColumns VARCHAR(MAX) = ''
DECLARE @queryReturnResults VARCHAR(MAX) = ''
--Create temp table
SET @querySELECT = '
CREATE TABLE #tempResults
EnquiryId INT,
Cost Decimal(18,2),
CustomerName VARCHAR(50),
EnquiryStatus VARCHAR(50),
ContactNumber VARCHAR(50),
NumberOfVisits INT
) '
--Insert into temp table
SET @querySELECT = '
INSERT INTO #tempResults
EnquiryId ,
Cost ,
CustomerName ,
EnquiryStatus ,
) '
SET @querySELECT = '
e.EnquiryId ,
e.Cost ,
c.CustomerName ,
e.EnquiryStatus ,
FROM Enquiry e
INNER JOIN Customers c ON e.CustomerId = c.CustomerId '
IF(@EnquiryDate IS NOT NULL)
SET @queryWHERE = @queryWHERE + ' CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),e.EnquiryDate,23) >= ' + ''''+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),@EnquiryDate,23) + ''''
--- There are at least 14 parameters used in WHERE operation the above is just one of them
-- Count NumberOfVisits
SET @queryExtraColumns = '
;WITH NumberOfVisits AS
SELECT t.EnquiryId, COUNT(EnquiryId) AS NumberOfVisits
FROM NumberOfVisits v
INNER JOIN #tempResults t ON v.EnquiryId = t.EnquiryId
GROUP BY t.EnquiryId
UPDATE #tempResults
SET NumberOfVisits = u.NumberOfVisits
FROM #tempResults t
INNER JOIN NumberOfVisits u ON u.EnquiryId = t.EnquiryId
-- return the results
SET @queryReturnResults = '
EnquiryId ,
Cost ,
CustomerName ,
EnquiryStatus ,
ContactNumber ,
FROM #tempResults t
-- Combine all the strings + DROP the temp table
-- PRINT( @querySELECT + ' WHERE ' + @queryWHERE + @queryExtraColumns + @queryReturnResults + ' DROP TABLE #tempResults ')
EXEC( @querySELECT + ' WHERE ' + @queryWHERE + @queryExtraColumns + @queryReturnResults + ' DROP TABLE #tempResults ')
Some facts:
The above procedure is the simple form of the Stored procedure i am working on.
I am using SQL Server 2008
My Actual procedure has 15 parameters, all of them are used in WHERE clause. If the value is provided for a parameter, the parameter is included in the WHERE clause otherwise not.
There are at least 10 columns whos value comes from the GROUP BY condition like the one "NumberOfVisits" given in the above procedure.
I have indexes on all the Primary Keys & Foreign Keys.
I have indexes on all the columns that are used in the WHERE clause.
I have indexes on all the columns that are used in the GROUP BY clause.
Q1: Is this is according to the best practice to create dynamic stored procedures following above pattern?
Q2: I got the output SQL of this procedure by using: -- PRINT( @querySELECT + ' WHERE ' + @queryWHERE + @queryExtraColumns + @queryReturnResults + ' DROP TABLE #tempResults ') when i run that SQL it took the same time that was taken by the stored procedure, why? is the SQL should take less time?
Q3: Is the above is the best practice to get the value of summary columns("NumberOfVisits") ?
Q4: is the above is the best way to create the WHERE clause dynamically?
Q5: Can i avoid the use of Temporary table by using some alternate in the above scenario?
Q6: What can i do to optimize this procedure?
Please forgive me, if my question is NOT clear or not a proper question.
Thanks for your valuable time & help.