I like to get the latest executed statements within my database, along with performance indicators.

As such, I like to know, which SQL statements were most CPU/DISK intensive.


4 Answers 4


Here is the SQL to do the job. Open for trial.

Step 1: Determine the installatin IDs & user IDs.

SELECT inst_id,sid FROM gv$session WHERE username='<ENTER-USERNAME>';

Step 2:

 FROM gv$session s    
    , gv$sql sq
  AND s.inst_id = :inst_id -- replace with instID from above
  AND s.sid = :sid -- replace with ID from above
  AND sq.inst_id = s.inst_id

There might be multiple Ids & instance Ids returned. So it's up to a users' choice on how to use this data in a web interface etc.

  • Just small note: Oracle supports (no idea from which version) in operator with tuples, so from example above ... AND (s.inst_id, s.sid) in ( (:id1, :sid1), (:id2, :sid2), ... )
    – Betlista
    Commented Jun 18, 2013 at 13:45
  • 1
    'inst_id' stands for the instance Id, itdoes not meaninstallation id.
    – miracle173
    Commented May 11, 2015 at 16:34

Oracles Enterprise Monitor console shows a whole wealth of information about which SQL queries are taking the max CPU, bottlenecks, top activity in the database, blocking SQLs et al.

For a historical approach, you can use Oracle's AWR reports to pin point areas concerning you.

alt text

enter image description here

  • 1
    Out of curiosity - AWR is a tool available to all Oracle licenses & could I use it via command line only? Commented Jan 4, 2011 at 5:17
  • 2
    Sorry I should have mentioned it - from what I know, AWR requires a separate licensing - the Oracle Tuning & Diagnostic Pack. I prefer to use AWR from the Enterprise Manager console - I've been blessed with the privilege(!) to utilize the Enterprise Manager console. I also found that you can use SQL Developer to monitor SQLs, but that requires the above licensing Commented Jan 4, 2011 at 5:46
  • 1
    Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) is very nice. We can monitor our database health in near real-time with auto-refreshed graphs. We've got a big monitor hanging on a wall showing OEM for our primary databases 24x7 and its hugely beneficial in identifying problems as they occur.
    – ScottCher
    Commented Jan 5, 2011 at 15:06

You can also use V$SQL, there are several interesting columns RUNTIME_MEM, EXECUTIONS, DISK_READS, SORTS, ELAPSED_TIME, SQL_FULLTEXT etc.

This would give you top 10 statements by disk read (note - this is cumulative for all executions):

select sql_id,child_number from
select sql_id,child_number from v$sql
order by disk_reads desc
where rownum<11

If the statement is still in V$SQL_PLAN you can get an actual explain plan for the query:

select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('sql_id',child_number));

I also like to use V$SQL_PLAN as it contains good info. If your statistics_level=ALL you can use V$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS.


For recent SQL:

select * from v$sql

For history:

select * from dba_hist_sqltext

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