I created a SQL query that requires me to pull data from 2 separate databases, and I noticed that what I did is this:
(Select Z.f From DatabaseZ.TblZ Z where Z.w = A.w) as valueZA,
(Select Z.k From DatabaseZ.TblZ Z where Z.w = A.w) as valueZB,
DatabaseA.TblA A
DatabaseA.TblB B A.x = B.x
A.isActiveBit = '1';
The problem I encounter is that the query is slow, due to the fact that Databasez.TblZ
contains about 200K records,and that there is new data every 30 minutes. I think that using a subquery here is the main issue, since DatabaseA.TblA also contains a lot of records, the database is already expending a lot of memory and computing power just for the external query, and it takes more time since the subquery also takes a while.
My question is how can I speed up the query, should I change the way I use my sub queries? I am currently thinking of running the query without the subqueries, then do this:
//PHP Code, just a sample not actual code
//$queryResult is the result of my first query
$subqueryArray = array();
//I make a loop depending on the number of records I got
for($x=0;$x <count($queryResult);$x++)
$subqueryArray[] = $this->Main->query("select X.f from Databasez.TblZ Z where ",$queryResult['w']);
//w because it's the field name in the previous query, I'll also do the same for the other subquery
I am not sure if the solution I am thinking of is appropriate, since I think the query would take longer if I do it this way. I am also thinking of using indexes but I think that wont make any significant impact on my speed(I am still fairly new with databases) since I need to finish the entire query within 3 seconds(already giving it a lot of time). My current query currently runs at 37 seconds.
What should I do about this?