I have a table 'member' and want to be able to search the table and order results by relevance. I have a single string to search on and want to search multiple fields. Example, given_name and family_name (like the Facebook member search).
The fields in in the member table are strings so I think a full test search will not be the best option.
Table Member
| id | given_name | family_name | mutual_friends |
| 1 | Levi | Putna | 4 |
| 1 | Levi | Levi | 1 |
| 2 | Leviother | Somename | 4 |
| 3 | Boo | Somelevi | 4 |
| 4 | Lala | Smith | 4 |
| 5 | Assem | Jones | 4 |
I have been trying to build a query that creates a score based on matching some criteria and then ordering by the score. I am using a case to do this.
For this example we will use the search query of 'levi'
SELECT id, given_name, family_name,
WHEN given_name = 'levi' THEN score + 5
WHEN given_name like 'levi%' THEN score + 3
WHEN family_name = 'levi' THEN score + 4
WHEN family_name like 'levi%' THEN score + 3
WHEN given_name like '%levi%' THEN score + 1
WHEN family_name like '%levi%' THEN score + 1
END AS score
FROM (select *, 0 AS score FROM member) AS member_search
This seems like a bad way to do this and will only score based on the first match in the case. How would I need to rewrite this query so that it could continue to add to the score based on multiple matches of case? Is their a better way to manage this type of query?