I have a database that is retrieving information quite slowly, I asked a question and was told to use full-text-indexing, this worked, but now we switched over to a .sdf
file and Sql Server Compact Edition 4.0 does not support full-text-indexing
Is there any index that will mimic the way a full-text-index works?
Update and Insert Statement taking forever
This is the code I am using:
SELECT TimesUsed, Word FROM Predictions WHERE (Word LIKE @partialWord) ORDER BY TimesUsed DESC
PredTable = PredTA.GetDataByPartialWord(combo)
If PredTable.Count = 1 Then PredTA.Update(PredTable(0).TimesUsed + 1, combo)
If PredTable.Count = 0 Then PredTA.Insert(combo, 1)