I have a large chunk of json data associated with each id and I have to somehow get the data for my front end by querying through that large chunk.
My TaskDetails table has a structure something like:
id | data
1 | [{"name":"Roy","Country":"USA","Hobby":"Swim"},
2 | [{"Address":"Church Street","Sex":"M"},
{"Address":"MG Road","Sex":"M"}]
where id is of type integer and data is of type json. Each entry of json data has an array of records.
In the row with id=1 each record has keys (name,Country,Hobby)
with respective values. Now this array can be larger, perhaps 10,000 records, all held in a single json row. Something like :
1 | [{"name":"Roy","country":"USA","Hobby":"Swim"},
{"name":"Anam","country":"Greece","hobby":"Polo"} ,
Now I want to do CRUD operations for the data in this single row.
If I query for all data which is has name="Roy"
I should get all the records having name = "Roy"
and the output should be:
I am not able to form a query for this. I am trying with something like:
select *
from TaskDetails
where data->0->>'name'='Roy'
but it will not give me all the records. How should I query? I cannot use jsonb since our prod PostgreSQL DB is currently 9.3.4.