Here are my configurations:
DB type: postgresql (9.3 if that's necessary)
Table name: product_sections
Column names: section_id (integer) & section_path (ltree)


I have one reference value: section_id: 15 & section_path: Automation_Solutionz. So, when I want to rename Automation_Solutionz to, say Chrome, I want all references of Automation_Solutionz to be updated.





Similarly, when I update a value which is in the middle, it should rename those too. In the case above, Test_Case_Creation should be renamed to something like TestCase or anything else. The same goes for any item which is either in the middle, end or at the start.

Hope, I explained things correctly. Thanks in advance :)

  • Does anything prevent you from casting your values to text, do a replace and then cast back to ltree? Like SELECT replace('a.b.c'::ltree::text, 'b', 'd')::ltree; Feb 2, 2015 at 13:25
  • no, I'm free to use text too!
    – Sazid
    Feb 2, 2015 at 13:26
  • But, there's a catch. Say, some row has this value: Test_Case_Create.Case. When you replace Case with something else, the row will have the value: Test_X_Create.X which is not what I want. I want it to become Test_Case_Create.X
    – Sazid
    Feb 2, 2015 at 13:28
  • In an x.y.x.z ltree it does not make much sense to replace both x. Typically you'd want to replace a subpath anchored at left by another subpath, for example x.y.x.* by x.y.t.* (as opposed to x by t) Feb 2, 2015 at 18:13
  • Well it's not a x.y.x.z tree. Its just that, one label i.e x maybe inside of the word (or more specifically a label) y
    – Sazid
    Feb 2, 2015 at 18:31

2 Answers 2


Another approach to achieve this ....

If the replaced text is only one level tree

update product_sections 
set section_path = 'Chrome' 
where section_path = 'Automation_Solutionz'

If the replaced text is at the beginning

update product_sections 
set section_path = 'Chrome' || subpath(section_path,1) 
where section_path ~ 'Automation_Solutionz.*'

If the replaced text is in the middle

update product_sections 
set section_path = subpath(section_path, 0, index(section_path, 'Test_Case_Creation')) || 
                   'Testcase' || 
                   subpath(section_path, index(section_path, 'Test_Case_Creation') + 1) 
where section_path ~ '*.Test_Case_Creation.*{1,}';

If the replaced text is at the end

update product_sections 
set section_path = subpath(section_path, 0, index(section_path, 'Test_Case_Creation')) || 
where section_path ~ '*.Test_Case_Creation.*{0}';
  • Yes, this is a nice solution with ltree-only functionality. Mine is a bit less advanced but more readable :) Feb 3, 2015 at 9:20

One can view the ltree data type as a simple text with some constraints. The most important of these constraints is that a label is bordered by dots if part of a label path. Obviously, if it stands at either end, one dot will be missing; when alone, the dots are completely missing.

Fortunately, casting between the two types is easy. This way we can set up a small set of rules for handling replacement, using lquery to find the cases:

-- 1. replace when the label is the whole labelpath
replace(section_path::text, 'to_be_replaced', 'replacement') 
    WHERE section_path ~ 'to_be_replaced'::lquery

-- 2. replace when the label is at the end
replace(section_path::text, '.to_be_replaced', '.replacement')
    WHERE section_path ~ '*.to_be_replaced'::lquery

-- 3. replace when the label is at the beginning
replace(section_path::text, 'to_be_replaced.', '.replacement')
    WHERE section_path ~ 'to_be_replaced.*'::lquery

-- 4. replace when the label is in the middle
replace(section_path::text, '.to_be_replaced.', '.replacement.')
    WHERE section_path ~ '*.to_be_replaced.*'::lquery

In cases 2-4, mind the dots in the search and replacement values of replace(). This way you can be sure you always replace the whole label, not just parts of it.

  • Hey thanks for such detailed answer. I'll let you know if I was successful and have your answer as accepted. BTW, can you tell me what lquery is? And what does ~ operator exactly do? Thanks again :)
    – Sazid
    Feb 2, 2015 at 16:04
  • 2
    I cannot, but the docs can ;) postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/ltree.html Feb 2, 2015 at 16:07

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