I've read several articles about SQL Server's Page Life Expectancy and what it means and what kind of information you can glean from it. In most of these articles that I've read, a common, healthy PLE value is somewhere around 1000-2000 seconds. I've read that getting down to around 300 seconds can mean you're likely low on RAM.
I recently just upgraded our hardware to have 64GB of RAM, up from 14GB. On the 14GB my PLE was around 300 seconds, and I was having a lot of 5-6 memory grants pending per second. So, that was bad and I increased the RAM. Now, my PLE is much, much higher around 5000 seconds, and no more pending memory grants. I've seen it 7000 seconds, if I recall. This is much higher than anything I've read.
Can a high PLE be a bad thing? Or is it the higher the better?
EDIT: I'm sorry, my PLE wasn't 7000 seconds, it was 70,000 seconds! Although, at the moment it is down to around 7000.
- The database size is around 160GB. A few tables have 5+ million rows.
is set to 2147483647.